import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from nilearn import datasets
from nilearn.input_data import NiftiMasker
from nilearn.mass_univariate import permuted_ols
#Load Localizer Contrast
n_samples = 94
localizer_dataset = datasets.fetch_localizer_contrasts(['left button press (auditory cue)'], n_subjects=n_samples)
#print basic information on the dataset
#cmaps: string list, Paths to constrast maps
print('First constrast nifti image (3D) is located at: %s'% localizer_dataset.cmaps[0])
tested_var = localizer_dataset.ext_vars['pseudo']
# Quality check / Remove subjects with bad tested variate
mask_quality_check = np.where(tested_var != b'None')[0]
n_samples = mask_quality_check.size
contrast_map_filenames = [localizer_dataset.cmaps[i] for i in mask_quality_check]
tested_var = tested_var[mask_quality_check].astype(float).reshape((-1,1))
print("Actual number of subjects after quality check: %d" %n_samples)
# Mask Data
nifti_masker = NiftiMasker(smoothing_fwhm=5, memory='nilearn_cache', memory_level=1) #cache options
fmri_masked = nifti_masker.fit_transform(contrast_map_filenames)
# Anova (parametric F-scores)
from sklearn.feature_selection import f_regression
_, pvals_anova = f_regression(fmri_masked, tested_var, center=True)
pvals_anova *= fmri_masked.shape[1]
pvals_anova[np.isnan(pvals_anova)] = 1
pvals_anova[pvals_anova > 1] = 1
neg_log_pvals_anova = - np.log10(pvals_anova)
neg_log_pvals_anova_unmasked = nifti_masker.inverse_transform(
# Perform massively univarite analysis with permuted OLS
neg_log_pvals_permuted_ols,_,_ = permuted_ols(
tested_var, fmri_masked,
n_perm = 500, #For the sake of time. Idealy, this should be 10,000
n_jobs=1) # Can be changed to use more CPUs
neg_log_pvals_permuted_ols_unmasked = nifti_masker.inverse_transform(np.ravel(neg_log_pvals_permuted_ols))
# Visualization
from nilearn.plotting import plot_stat_map, show
# Various plotting parameters
z_slice = 12 # plotted slice
threshold = - np.log10(0.1) # 10% corrected
vmax = min(np.amax(neg_log_pvals_permuted_ols),
# Plot Anova p-values
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 7), facecolor='k')
display = plot_stat_map(neg_log_pvals_anova_unmasked,
display_mode='z', cut_coords=[z_slice],
figure=fig, vmax=vmax, black_bg=True)
n_detections = (neg_log_pvals_anova_unmasked.get_data() > threshold).sum()
title = ('Negative $\log_{10}$ p-values'
'\n(Parametric + Bonferroni correction)'
'\n%d detections') % n_detections
display.title(title, y=1.2)
# Plot permuted OLS p-values
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 7), facecolor='k')
display = plot_stat_map(neg_log_pvals_permuted_ols_unmasked,
display_mode='z', cut_coords=[z_slice],
figure=fig, vmax=vmax, black_bg=True)
n_detections = (neg_log_pvals_permuted_ols_unmasked.get_data()
> threshold).sum()
title = ('Negative $\log_{10}$ p-values'
'\n(Non-parametric + max-type correction)'
'\n%d detections') % n_detections
display.title(title, y=1.2)