Visualisation of Nifti Files

NIFTI stands for Neuroimaging Informations Technology Initiative. It's a standard representation of images, and it's the most common used type of analytic file. Nilearn comes with plotting function to display brain maps coming from Nifti-like images, in the nilearn.plotting module. Nilearn has a set of plotting functions to plot brain volumes that are fined tuned to specific applications. Amongst other things, they use different heuristics to find cutting coordinates.



Plotting functions in nilearn

Function Name

Function Description


Plotting an anatomical image


Glass brain visualization. By default plots maximum intensity projection of the absolute values. To plot positive and negative values set plot_abs parameter to False.


General-purpose function, with no specific presets


Plotting a statistical map, like a T-map, a Z-map, or an ICA, with an optional background


Plotting an EPI, or T2* image


Plotting surface atlases on a brain surface

1. Basic Atlas plotting

2. Glass brain plotting in nilearn

3. Making a surface plot of a 3D statistical map